Conference, Convention & Exhibition Centers

Map Call Meeting Site City Meeting Sq Ft Theater Seating Banquet Seating Sleeping Rooms Video Book Group
Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel & Spa on Del Monte Golf Course Monterey Monterey 40,000 1,300 1,010 550
Hyatt Carmel Highlands, a Hyatt Residence Club Monterey Carmel 3,827 120 120 48
Carmel Mission Inn Monterey Carmel 4,000 275 250 165
Monterey Marriott Monterey Monterey 87,946 2,200 1,300 341
Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa Monterey Monterey 30,000 600 400 290
Carmel Valley Ranch Monterey Carmel 47,673 355 500 181
InterContinental The Clement Monterey Monterey Monterey 16,000 350 220 208
Portola Hotel & Spa at Monterey Bay Monterey Monterey 60,000 2,000 1,200 379
Casa Munras Garden Hotel & Spa Monterey Monterey 5,500 130 144 171
Seascape Beach Resort Monterey Aptos 17,000 350 320 285
The Lodge at Pebble Beach Monterey Pebble Beach 10,000 292 292 199
The Inn at Spanish Bay Monterey Pebble Beach 14,000 525 400 269
Monterey Conference Center Monterey Monterey 70,000 2,000 1,140
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