March 15, 2023

Senior Travelers to Make a Strong Return in 2023

New data reveals a strong return for senior travelers is expected in 2023, a demographic that had been largely dormant in previous years due to the pandemic.

According to travel insurance marketplace, senior travelers comprised nearly half of all customers in 2019, before dropping to just 16% of travelers in 2020.

Now, Squaremouth's share of travelers aged 60+ has more than doubled, rising by 125%.

Older Generations Return to Traveling

  • Travelers ages 60+ account for the largest travel demographic for the first time since the start of the pandemic, reflecting pre-Covid travel trends

Percentage of Travelers Across Age Groups

Percent of Travelers Across Age Groups

Older Travelers Concerns Are Changing

As the travel landscape continues to evolve, so do the concerns of travelers.

  • Seniors remain the most concerned demographic when it comes to contracting Covid-19 while traveling, despite a 21% drop in searches for Covid-related coverage over the past year
  • Senior travelers search more for policies with medical coverage than any other age demographic

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