June 12, 2024

Summer Means More Debt: 8 in 10 Travelers Will Use Credit Cards to Get Away

Debt.com's latest survey shows most Americans will use credit cards to fund their summer vacations; many have gone into debt for previous trips.

When Americans travel this summer, most will put those travel expenses on their credit cards – and more than a quarter (30%) will charge at least $5,000.

A new Debt.com survey shows 83% will pay for their trip using credit cards. More than half (56%) say they'll earn cashback and rewards, while 19% can't afford to pay cash, but still feel the need to get away this summer. For many, this is a recurring practice.


Just under 3 in 5 (59%) have gone into debt for summer travel in the past. That includes 66% of Gen X, 64% of Millennials, 47% of Baby Boomers, and 34% of Gen Z.

One result stands out to Debt.com President Don Silvestri.

"Nearly 60% have incurred debt for summer travel before," he says. "That's a big problem because it means Americans are growing accustomed to vacation debt. This country already has a problem with running up debt over the winter holidays. Are we going to go into debt for every holiday? This concerns me."

Other key takeaways:

  • Of the summer travelers who will use credit cards to pay for a vacation, 7% plan to charge $15,000 or more
  • Out of the people who will finance their vacation with credit, 25% of Gen X and 18% of Millennials say it's because they can't afford to pay cash
  • Of those who have previously gone into credit card debt for summer travel, 66% are Gen X, with 64% of Millennials
  • Of the 46% of respondents who say summer travel debt later restricted their holiday spending, more than half (57%) are Gen X, 47% are Millennials, 46% are of Gen Z, and 22% are Baby Boomers.

"By planning carefully and making smart financial decisions, you can enjoy a memorable summer vacation without the burden of debt," Silvestri advises, "but the key is planning,"

Copyright 2024 Debt.com. All rights reserved. From https://www.debt.com.

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