May 17, 2023
TIPS (To Insure Proper / Prompt Service): Age-Old Custom on a Cruise Vacation
4 Cruise Ship Gratuity Approaches From Cruise Travel Experts at CruiseCompete
Tipping is a custom that originated in Europe in the 17th century. It came to America courtesy of wealthy travelers who enjoyed the idea that “TIPS” (an acronym for “To Insure Proper / Prompt Service”) allowed them a higher standard of personal attention. Tipping is now customary in many service-based professions, including various members of the staff on passenger ships.
The experts at CruiseCompete and affiliate All Things Cruise often hear the question “When should I tip?” Here are four potential approaches to gratuities / tipping, courtesy of our seasoned cruisers.
Four Gratuity Approaches to Consider When Traveling Aboard a Cruise Ship
Yes, you know many cruise lines build in TIPS / tipping as a line item on your shipboard account. You likely leave that alone, yet want to give certain people something extra. Here are four approaches:
- Tipping on arrival. It’s been said TIPS originally meant: “To Insure Proper Service.” or “To Improve Professional Service.” You are saying: “I’m making it worth your while to take care of me.”
Pro: You’ve got their attention. You’ve made it worth their while.
Con: Since they’ve been paid up front, there isn’t a great motivation to go above and beyond in hopes of a big tip at the end.
- Splitting the tip. You tip on arrival, letting them know they should expect another tip at departure.
Pro: Best of both worlds. They know you are a tipper; you’ve already delivered. There’s more to come, but how much?
Con: Few. If it’s a longer voyage and the staff person’s contract ends mid-voyage, their replacement didn’t get the “arrival bonus.”
- During the trip. You are on a 21- or 101-day voyage. You tip a proportional amount at the end of each week.
Pro: It relieves the staff member’s anxiety of waiting until the last day to see what you will do. They have money to send home or spend in port.
Con: Few, except you need to setup for this with envelopes and smaller bills several times instead of just once.
- Tipping on departure. It’s the traditional way. The stationary folder in your cabin has a supply of white envelopes. If not, ask at the Purser’s office. They can change large bills into small bills. You hand out envelopes on the last night.
Pro: It’s how it’s always been done.
Con: Your steward, waiter and others are waiting until the last moment to learn if you will reward their service.
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