Attractions include Amusement & Theme Parks, Historic Sites, Museums, Parks, Theaters, Zoos and more.

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Map Call Attraction City Year Open Rate Range Type Video Book Group
Newport Aquarium Covington Newport 1999 $$-$$$ Aquarium
Mainstrasse Village Covington Covington 1861 Varies Historic District
Newport on the Levee Covington Newport 2001 Varies Entertainment District
Florence Speedway Covington Walton 1950 $-$$$ Motorsports
Truist Arena Covington Highland Heights 2008 Varies Arena / Coliseum / Stadium
Behringer-Crawford Museum Covington Covington 1950 $ Museum / Gallery
Creation Museum Covington Petersburg 1990 $$$ Museum / Gallery
Ark Encounter Covington Williamstown 2016 $$-$$$ Family Attraction
Blue Licks Battlefield State Resort Park Covington Carlisle 1927 Free-$$$ Park
General Butler State Resort Park Covington Carrollton 1931 Free-$$$ Park
Kentucky Gateway Museum Center Covington Maysville 1878 $ Museum / Gallery
BB Riverboats Covington Newport 1979 $$$ Cruise / Ferry
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