Attractions include Amusement & Theme Parks, Historic Sites, Museums, Parks, Theaters, Zoos and more.

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Map Call Attraction City Year Open Rate Range Type Video Book Group
West Virginia Penitentiary Northern Moundsville 1876 $$-$$$ Haunted House
WVU Coliseum Northern Morgantown 1970 Varies Arena / Coliseum / Stadium
The Capitol Theatre Northern Wheeling 1933 Varies Theatre
Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum Northern Wheeling 1998 $-$$ Museum / Gallery
West Virginia Independence Hall Northern Wheeling 1861 $ Historic District
WesBanco Arena Northern Wheeling 1981 Varies Arena / Coliseum / Stadium
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum Northern Weston 1864 $$-$$$ Haunted House
Museums of Oglebay Institute Northern Wheeling 1930 Free-$$ Museum / Gallery
Victoria Theater Northern Wheeling 1904 Varies Theatre
Mountaineer Casino, Resort & Racetrack Northern New Cumberland 1951 Varies Casino / Gaming
Wheeling Island Hotel Casino & Racetrack Northern Wheeling 1866 Varies Casino / Gaming
Oglebay Good Zoo Northern Wheeling 1977 Free-$$ Zoo
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